Sunday, September 27, 2009

Photo Slideshow

I have given 120 old and new photos of a lady and I have to scan them and crop, colorize, and adjust the brightness and level and do everything that improves the quality of the images, then I have to create a musical slideshow for with the images.

This week I spend my times on scanning, and adjusting the images. Hopefully this coming week I will finish the rest of the adjustments and work on the slideshow. I have to make sure that by the end of the week have the slideshow ready for the customer.

Above is an example of what we are doing.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Bijan Restaurant's Menu

This week I finished the restaurant menu. It takes all my times but I am glad that they like it a lot and also restaurant owner was satisfied.

Here is both side of the menu, which is 24” x 12” and will be fold and become 1/4th of this size. So the menu that customers will hold is 6” x 12” and they will unfold it to see all the pages, which are 8 pages.

Here is "bijan" restaurant's Website:

Sunday, September 13, 2009

September 13 2009

Working on a restaurant menu. That’s what I did this past week and I have to do this coming week.
I have given 80 images and a restaurant menu, which I have to redesign the menu and add the images to it too.
This past week I spend most of my times to edit and adjust the images.
I am going to design a picture menu, which is 24” by 12” and it is double sided.
In this project the arrangement of the pictures is so important and time consuming.

Sample of one of the images and what I am doing with them.
· Cutting the plate out of the background.
· Transparency background.
· Add shadow to the plate, adds more dimension to it.
· Adjust the color of the mint to more green.
· Apply “Unsharp “mask to fix the blurriness.
· Clean up the yellowish part of the plate.
· Now is ready to be places in the menu.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


2008 Move Maker Academy Award Winner